This time we have a sketch commission I just finished of Ace and Jack Harkness fighting a Cyberman (80's) from Doctor Who.

And some sketches I did while I was waiting to go to work (usually when I do my best sketches!) I might color these two in at some point, just to keep my promise to color every page of that Moleskine book I started.
My good old Flapper Barbarian chick Adeline. Ready for the summer? Possibly.

The first sketch on here is of a woman I thought up of when bored out of my mind working at the Tax Department. She's supposed to have flames for hair and all that jazz. And natrually I couldn't have a page without one of the characters from the Dommi project I'm working on Claud, being mopey and moody :B

Until next time! Keep watching the skis... err skies!
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