Sunday, July 15, 2012

Commission and Diagnosis!

I finally got the results from my blood work done a week or so ago, I've been officially diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism. It's not a great thing to have naturally, but it's nice to finally put a name on all the stuff going on lately. The symptoms are exactly what I've been experiencing. So now I'll be starting to take some medication to correct the levels and in about six weeks return to get another blood test and see where that goes.

I won't beg again, but it'd be nice to take in some more commissions to kinda offset the cost of the doctor visits and prescriptions because it's hitting my account hard and I have a lot of bills to take care of. And since my birthday is officially in a month, I've been trying to save up to do something nice.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing alright. You can check out my last commission in my gallery if you want to take a gander at what you can score :)

Payback of the Daleks by =Marker-Mistress on deviantART
Adeline and the Face of Death by =Marker-Mistress on deviantART

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