Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well recently my horoscopes have been scarily accurate with my readings (yes I read them regularly in the Las Vegas Weekly...). And lately they've been telling me great changes are coming my way. How? Well for one my boss informed me that I'll be losing my job at the Starbucks because of my availability all because of the new optimum scheduling. I love my job, it was the first job I ever had where I loved the people I work with and serve on a daily basis. But when I think about it it might actually be the push I need to get on track on what I really want to do for my career which is my art and design work.
The countdown begins, and I need to start making more contacts to further shove my foot into the closing door. It's the beginning of summer, and it's going to be an uphill battle what with the economy and all the students looking for summer jobs. At times I have low self esteem when it comes to my work, but I have good people backing me up and reassuring me of the quality of my stuff. And to those people (you know who you are) you have my deepest thanks.
Well, time to get the gravy train moving!

A little something something for a graphic novel I plan to illustrate:

The Judith Paris portrait I finished:

A portrait of Friend from Zardoz as played by John Alderton:

Itchy and Scratchy fanart I used for a school project, recreated in Adobe Illustrator:

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