Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Arrival in Albany and Pimpage for a Good Friend

Arrived in Albany yesterday afternoon and ate a great meal with pals April and Brian who are more than kind enough to let me stay for two weeks. I'll be taking the time to finally unwind and get some real work done... And by real work I mean finishing all the portraits I started *coughSapphire&Steelcough* and getting some more work done on the graphic novel April and I started called Dommi.

On the way I stopped in Chicago, didn't get any pizza but I ate an orgasmically great cinnamon roll in the food court at O'Hare International Airport before going back to the gate to see a bunch of breasts falling out of people's shirts. Seriously, you'd think people would get dressed a little more appropriately for travel. *shrug*

The last leg of the flight from Chicago to Albany, even for the two hours was uncomfortable. The flight attendant on United was an uber bitch, and coupled with an uber bitch of a customer sitting behind me I was stuck in the middle of a verbal smackdown. Never had this problem on Southwest but you get what you can afford...

Listened to an interview with the awesome Leanne Hannah on the Comic News Insider podcast from Heroes Con. D'awww ain't she sweet?! Seriously she's going to go far, if you haven't seen her work yet (and I'd beat you if you haven't) check it out!
She's my mentor you know! And check out the recent issue of The Perhapanauts featuring her artwork.!

Get the interview at The Comic News Insider
Or get it on itunes.

The following are some photos I took yesterday...
PHANTOM! I wanna see this so badly when I can afford to

A view of The Strip in Vegas from the airplane

Something to look at while I ate my cinnamon roll in Chicago

Said orgasmically great cinnamon roll...

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