Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another Sketchdump!

It's been awhile since I just threw a bunch of stuff around here with no reason whatsoever than to bug you all. But I completely forgot to post one of my commissions and some sketches I had been working on in King Moleskine.

I wish I had the time to draw more shit at work! lol

We'll start off with a new OC I started working on earlier last week. There's a possibility I might be using her for the Adeline story I'm working on. Thanks to my buddy Zoé Chamoux, she's got a name! From henceforth she'll be known as Mashreen!

Here's a lineup of a bunch of the girls I've drawn so far (need to add Mashreen in there at some point!). Love love LOVE Adeline's expression in this!

Here's a Black Orchid commission I did for Roy Johnson!

And lastly, a sketchcard I did of Adeline on my breaks at work.

Hope you all are doing well! Gonna be busy inscribing a metric shitload of holiday cards soon and making thumbs for my next official set of cards. But I'll still be open for any commissions if any of you should feel inclined to hit me up :D

And for those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, have a good one! I hope I can get some turkey and mash this year :D

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